
KGA Geotechnical operates from two office locations; Auckland and Christchurch.

Subsurface Investigation

Hand auger drilling is the simplest method of subsurface conditions. It is hand operated and creates a borehole approximately 50mm diameter. A hand auger penetrates the surface soils and can go to a maximum depth of 5m.

Shear vane testing is undertaken in hand auger boreholes to give an indication of soil strength

Hazard Mapping

Past geological events such as slope failures and faulting leave distinct traces across a landscape.

When hazards are identified early in a project, the risks created by these hazards can be fully investigated as part of the initial design stage and practical solutions can then be implemented to minimise their impact.

Foundation Design

There are many foundation systems available and KGA aims to provide the optimum foundation solution for your site.

Following subsurface investigation, KGA can provide foundation options and geotechnical design parameters for the foundation design.

Retaining Wall Design

KGA can provide retaining wall design services and undertake ground inspections during wall construction.

Retaining wall design must take account of the ground conditions, stability of the ground, post wall construction and any effects of the wall on neighbouring land.

Expert Assessments

If you suspect that ground movement is affecting your property, KGA can provide expert geotechnical advice to help move you along the right path.

Ground movement is expressed in a building by cracking in walls, the jamming of doors and windows or sloping floors.

Ground Improvement

Development of land that is susceptible to liquefaction and associated settlement under seismic shaking often requires ground improvement.

Working alongside our clients, specialist contractors and/or civil and structural engineers, KGA can advise on the optimum and most cost effective solution

Numerical Modelling

KGA can undertake a variety of numerical modelling techniques to assess the ground and its effects on foundations and excavations.

Wastewater Dispersal Design

Where a site is not connected to the public wastewater network, on-site wastewater dispersal is required.

The on-site treatment and dispersal of wastewater has come a long way since the days of septic tanks and scoria trenches.

Construction Monitoring

KGA undertakes construction observations to meet Building and Resource Consent requirements.

Building Consents often require geotechnical observations of the prepared building platform and foundation excavations be undertaken, as well as testing of any subfloor fill.