Commercial Development

Do you have a commercial building that you want to get out of the ground?

Commercial buildings provide the challenges of deep excavations, high loadings, and excavations close to boundaries.

KGA can provide:

  • Subsurface exploration both within the shallow soil, and also into the underlying rock.
  • Numerical modelling for wall deflections when excavating close to boundaries
  • Dewatering effects
  • Settlement calculations for high loads on soft soils
  • Ground improvement techniques
  • Retaining wall design

When should I engage a geotechnical engineer?

As early as possible. By doing this, we can save you time, stress and money. Unfavourable ground conditions, such as shallow rock, water bearing sand layers or weak ground, can cause significant design changes or additional unforeseen foundation costs. By engaging with a geotechnical engineer early in the design process, we can assess the ground conditions and provide initial indications of the issues that may be present and the way these can be addressed.

What information do we need from you?

A basic scheme plan of the proposed building with an indication of depths of excavation (if any) is sufficient for us to provide a fee proposal for the work. A detailed survey can also be useful to accurately determine depths of excavations, especially if these are close to boundaries and could impact on neighbouring structures.

What should you do to get your project started and what is involved?

Give KGA a call and you can talk through your project with one of our engineers. From here, we will undertake an initial desk study to understand the area better as part of the fee proposal for a geotechnical report. It is common that an initial geotechnical report be prepared to provide an understanding of the ground conditions and possible challenges as part of the Resource Consent application. Then, as part of the detailed design stage, KGA can provide additional geotechnical input for Building Consent.

Auckland – 09 478 6655 | Christchurch – 03 343 5302

Can KGA provide construction monitoring?

Yes. KGA can assist with determining safe construction methodologies and provide on-going geotechnical assistance during the construction phase. KGA will undertake the required geotechnical inspections during construction and provide certification via a Producer Statement following completion, as required by the Building Consent.

What is the cost and time frame for a geotechnical report?

The cost of a geotechnical report will vary considerably depending on the scale of the project and its location. Likewise, the time frame of a geotechnical report will vary depending on the size of the project and subsurface testing involved.

For more details on ways that KGA can help you with your commercial project, have a look at the follow services